Let's be candid. If you are looking for an ivory tower "hired gun" who will say whatever you need to be said, then no, Expert Chiropractic Consultants is definitely not right for you.
But if you want documented, objective advice about your case or patient file, then our team of highly qualified, active practice doctors can assist.
Thanks for visiting and we look forward to being of assistance to you and/or your client.

James D. Edwards, D.C., FICC (h) FICA (h)

- In 45 Years of Active Clinical Practice, Dr. Edwards has Performed over One Million Chiropractic Adjustments to over 10,000 Different Patients.
- The Texas Supreme Court Referenced Dr. Edwards' Trial Testimony a Total of 8 Times in its Decision that Informed Consent is Required.
- He Served 8 Years on the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts which Licenses and Disciplines Medical Physicians, Osteopathic Physicians and Chiropractic Doctors in it's Charge to Protect the Public.
- Dr. Edwards Served as Chairman of the Board of Governors (CEO) of the American Chiropractic Association from 2001-2003.
- He has Received Over 50 Awards for his Service to the Chiropractic Profession and the Public Including Twice Being Honored as the National "Doctor of the Year."
- Dr. Edwards is One of Only Three Doctors in the History of the Chiropractic Profession to be Selected as a “Fellow” of the American Chiropractic Association (FICC) and the International Chiropractors Association (FICA).
- Dr. Edwards Appointed the Members and Served on the American Chiropractic Association Clinical Documentation Committee, is Certified in Spinal Decompression and Clinical Nutrition, and is a Former Liability Insurance Adjuster.


Expert Case Evaluation, Advice and Testimony for the Legal Profession on Personal Injury, Malpractice, Causation and Standard of Care Issues
Objective Case Analysis and Independent Medical Examinations for the Insurance Industry
Ethics, Public Protection and Standard of Care Opinions Relative to Licensing Board Misconduct Issues
Coding, Billing and Clinical Documentation Expertise

Contrary to popular opinion and as attorneys know, most disputes do not end in a courtroom trial. They settle--often due to the work performed by experts. Because Expert Chiropractic Consultants spends most of our time and effort on pre-trial work, and not in court, we refer to ourselves as "expert consultants" instead of "expert witnesses." However, our experts have the necessary communication skills and courtroom experience for the few cases that do go to trial.
For plaintiff counsel, Expert Chiropractic Consultants has the ability to review most any malpractice or personal injury case, and report back in a timely fashion. In fact, we review most cases within 72 hours so you will be able to quickly determine if the case is meritorious and worth pursuing.
For defense counsel, Expert Chiropractic Consultants will aggressively assist in the defense of your client when causation is not present, when no significant deviations from the standard of care have occurred or when the medical evidence indicates that the injuries are being overstated or did not occur.
Whether plaintiff or defense counsel, Expert Chiropractic Consultants will produce a comprehensive narrative report, be available to consult by telephone and then if needed, provide expert deposition and trial testimony.

Expert Chiropractic Consultants offers objective analysis, independent medical examinations and case reviews for the managed care and insurance industry. As full time chiropractic practitioners with 120 years of combined clinical experience, we have the ability to accurately evaluate standard of care, coding, clinical documentation and medical necessity issues for any chiropractic or physical medicine case in question.

With our team having over 40 years of chiropractic licensing board experience, Expert Chiropractic Consultants offers unparalleled expertise in this field. From ethics, billing, clinical documentation, standard of care, to public protection issues, we have the expertise and experience to objectively assist licensing boards in their investigations.
Expert Chiropractic Consultants also can offer valuable assistance to doctors wrongly accused of misconduct. In addition, we perform audits for doctors whose services/fees/documentation are in dispute or whose managed care credentialing status is being unfairly challenged.

Fee for Case Evaluation, Research
and Verbal Report
[Plus $350 for Each Deposition Submitted]
Hourly Fee for Subsequent Review Time and/or Preparation of a Narrative Report
$350 per hour
3-Hour Minimum
[$2,100 Fee Must be Paid When Scheduled and is Non-Refundable if Canceled Within 7 Days of the Scheduled Deposition Appearance]
$700 per hour
Includes All Pre-Trial Preparation Time, All Pre-Trial Attorney Conferences, and Portal to Portal Travel Time.
[$7,000 Fee and Expenses Must be Paid When Scheduled and are Non-Refundable if Canceled Within 14 Days of the Scheduled Trial Appearance]
[Plus Actual
Travel Expenses]

By Email:
Expert Chiropractic Consultants
By Phone or Fax:
Fax: (512) 853-9384
Direct Line: (512) 789-3247
Mailing Address:
James D. Edwards, D.C.
11504 Gatling Gun Lane
Austin, Texas 78748

"I have worked with no other medical professional who was more committed to the truth than you were throughout the duration of your involvement in this case. Your grasp of the chiropractic issues and legal issues was very professional and astute. Your assistance with learned treatises was also of great assistance. We could not have gone forward with this case without your participation and commitment."
William J. Ruotolo, JD
Warwick, RI Full Letter

"In the preparation of the case and preparation for testimony, Dr. Edwards was extremely efficient and insightful. His review of the plaintiff's medical records was rigorous and he was well prepared for every meeting. During the trial, Dr. Edwards testified for the better part of a day. In direct testimony he presented the plaintiffs case clearly and persuasively. His credibility was not impaired by the lengthy cross-examination of the defense. Based upon the large judgment [$840,000.00] obtained in the case, it is obvious that the jury was impressed with Dr. Edwards and believed his testimony."
Charles Dunn, JD
Lubbock, TX Full Letter
"I want to thank you for all of your assistance and efforts as my primary expert in the Mankamyer case. All of your 'behind the scenes' assistance proved to be invaluable when taking the depositions of the defendant and his experts. Your deposition performance was nothing short of excellent; you were well versed in all of the subtle facts of our case and your ability to articulate your criticisms of the defendant in an understandable way proved, in my opinion, to play a key role in the successful resolution of the claim."
Joseph R. Johnson, JD
West Palm Beach, FL Full Letter

"Dr. James Edwards has my highest endorsement as a Chiropractic Expert. I am sure his work on my recent case was instrumental in the case settled prior to trial. I have handled nearly one hundred malpractice cases and worked with hundreds of expert witnesses and I found Dr. Edwards to be one of the most prompt, thorough and responsive experts i have ever encountered. His knowledge of the complex subject matters involved in my case was superb. Dr. Edwards' written reports are well thought out, comprehensive and to the point. In his deposition, he held his ground when needed, but was not over jealous -- just what you want in an expert witness. Likewise, Dr. Edwards is not afraid to tell you when you are going down the wrong path or just flat wrong. I will not hesitate to use Dr. Edwards again and I highly recommend him to any attorney needing a Chiropractic Expert."
Anne H. Pankratz, JD
Wichita, KS Full Letter

"You were very gracious with your time and expertise in your preliminary review of the case in our phone conversation. We settled the case, prior to filing a lawsuit, in the amount of $250,000.00. We did mention your name during the mediation that was conducted and the defense lawyer knew of your expertise in this field."
Brennan P. Fagan, JD
Lawrence, KS Full Letter
"I am sure without the quality of your work, we would not have obtained a favorable settlement and would have been forced to trial with an uncertain outcome. I would recommend your professional expert services to any attorney or client - either plaintiff or defendant - who is interested in an honest, objective and persuasive evaluation of his or her claims."
Richard E. Jordan, JD
Washington, DC Full Letter
"Dr. Edwards has great communication skills that he uses very well to communicate with both the malpractice carrier and the doctor he is helping defend. He has excellent organizational skills that allow him to take a complex problem and break it down into simple terms that the doctor, malpractice carrier and possible jury can understand."
Thomas Klesmit, D.C.
Garland, TX Full Letter
"Your knowledge of the subject matter, medicine, standard of care and other relevant factors were extensive and very helpful to me from the inception of my case to its conclusion. However, and equally important, were your candid evaluations of the strength and weaknesses of both sides of the case. Additionally, and very important for me and all lawyers, was your accessibility and your diligence in reviewing topics and getting back to me with your thoughts."
Michael J. O'Connell, JD
Louisville, KY Full Letter
"This letter is to advise of the tremendous success my law firm has enjoyed through the use of your 'expert' consulting services. As you are both aware, my law practice is exclusively limited to representing doctors of chiropractic in legal matters of varying kind. Your services have been vital in securing favorable rulings on behalf of my chiropractic clients."
Larry J. Laurent, JD
Austin, TX Full Letter
"Dr. Edwards traveled to Kansas City as scheduled and appeared for live testimony before the jury. A successful plaintiff's verdict was achieved in large part due to Dr. Edwards' work and testimony. In speaking with the jurors afterwards, they found Dr. Edwards to be honest and trustworthy in his review and opinions."
Spencer C. Shields, JD
Kansas City, MO Full Letter
"This law firm hired James D. Edwards, D.C. and Expert Chiropractic Consultants to consult on a medical malpractice case and we could not be more pleased with their work. Their expert opinion demonstrated a solid grasp of the legal and standard of care issues and was central to the case being settled. If you are seeking knowledgeable, highly qualified chiropractic experts, I recommend James D. Edwards, D.C. and Expert Chiropractic Consultants without reservation."
Shawn L. Stone, JD
Phoenix, AZ Full Letter
"Throughout his three-hour deposition, Dr. Edwards supported his opinions well and remained cool under pressure. It was very shortly after Dr. Edwards' deposition that the defendant's counsel offered to settle. Previously, the defendant and counsel vehemently denied any negligence in my client's care and treatment."
Steven N. Walden, JD
Killen, TX Full Letter
"I want to thank you for providing superb expert services in my client's chiropractic malpractice case that was pending in the Massachusetts Superior Court. Your assistance and credible testimony was the main factor in obtaining a settlement for my client. I would recommend you to my colleagues who are looking for a fair and credible expert witness who is easy to work with."
Peter J. Cerilli, JD
Providence, RI Full Letter

"I want to thank-you again for your help in our recently concluded chiropractic malpractice case. You brought to the case outstanding credentials, experience and expertise. Your thorough review of the healthcare records and depositions in the case, knowledge and expertise, ready availability to discuss the case and insightful observations were of immense help."
David E. Tuszynski, JD
Atlanta, GA Full Letter